I made my soil on Monday. This week the temperature is in the 70's and I can't wait any longer to get started! I used 1/3 (by volume) peat moss, 1/3 (by volume) coarse vermiculite, 1/3 (by volume) Gardner and Bloome Harvest Supreme compost.

A good way to mix this is to put all three ingredients in a large tarp. You need 3-4 people to help pick up the corners and mix it up good. Monday night I didn't have any help so I used my cement mixer. It worked good but I had to stop the mixer a couple of times on each batch to pull the back ingredients to the front. I guess a cement mixer works best mixing cement. Who knew? After about 10 batches I was done topping off last year's bed (needed to replenish some nutrients) and filling bed #2 (new this year!). By this time it is about 10:00 pm and I was working under some portable work lights. My neighbor came out to see what I was up to at all hours of the night. I told him I was making soil for my garden. He was mildly interested (doesn't garden) but quickly lost interest and went back inside. On his way back he called out "Have fun with your dirt!". I yelled back angrily,
"I'm making soil not dirt!"
After getting both beds filled and all my stuff put away it was time to
wet my bed (what I was going to name this blog). Technically, beds. Since this soil is so dry to begin with and since it has the capacity to hold a lot of water it took me an hour of watering to get all 9 inches of soil wet! After it gets wet the first time it only takes a little bit more watering every day to keep it that way. The good thing about peat and vermiculite is that they hold water without promoting root rot. You can't over-water this soil! It will soak up what it can and the rest will go right down to the bottom of your bed and into the dirt.
I got to bed around midnight. I just had to separate my square foot garden into squares! Using a nice green twine from Target made a 12 inch grid. They are now ready for plants/seeds! I'm so exhausted that I'm asleep before my proverbial head hits my proverbial pillow.